This presentation describes the emergence and state of election monitoring, its contribution to democratic transition, and problems and shortcomings of election observation. It also focuses on vote count verification and improving professionalism.
The Arab Institute for Women (AiW) at the Lebanese American University produced the Elections Toolkit to build the capacities of women running for election in Lebanon, whether municipal or parliamentarian. The toolkit's six chapters include: the legal framework of elections in Lebanon and women’s positioning in it, the pre-elections period, campaigning, preparing for the periods before and during the elections day, and electoral appeals. The full-sized publication (50 MB) also is available:
The presentation describes challenges facing emerging democracies and factors different from western systems that can impact campaign finance. Results from a study of campaign finance are summarized.
This presentation describes the Campaign Finance Board (CFB) in New York, campaign finance components, mandates, public funding issues and audit reports.